Monday, October 5, 2009
Wew, much better appearance to my blog !! XD Very special thanks to PUDRI/NATS/ RIA PUTRI SANTOSO/ whatever you call her .. =)
I just had my dinner, eating fried fish, rice, kuah selada, and ayam tulang lunak :3 it's delicious, afterall ..
Today, I had lunch outside with my brother and father. Then we went to the petrol station and bank before taking me to Pudri's house, for my father and brother had some busy business that afternoon. Theeen, I played there, editing my blog and recover that 'innocent and marked' panda,very hard one , talking with her and her mother, adding music to my blog, and so on ~ =D I spent for about 2 and half an hour playing there, then went back to my home ..
Hmm.. I've been thinking to cut my hair immediately, for my hair is going to be a long one soon =.= it's growing very fast, I've just cut it in June (maybe) for a short-medium one and now it's becoming this long already =3=
tapi tanggung klo ptong skrg, alnya ntr November udah mw pndah ksna intinya males ptong rmbut dsna
And now, what's going on with my mozilla ? I've been trying to download FMA since 15 minutes ago and it ALWAYS comes with words 'problem loading page', just what on earth is happening here ? ohdamnyounet ..
I think I must go now, for this 'satisfying' net is going to be slower and slower and sloweeerr, maybe I surf too much sites =___="
I'm going to post another soon =)
Chao ~
"and recover that 'innocent and marked' panda,very hard one"
I totally laughed reading that! =))
pandakudisanih =))
kta jdi seniman 'pandanapsuberkudis' *bangga
( bangga apaan coba )