Tuesday, October 6, 2009
phew.. I just got home 10 minutes ago with a dreadful feeling =.=
I mean , I just took a course in IALF and I was doing a practice test for next Thursday.. and at first I thought it'll be just some practice, not too hard, like usual meeting. BUT after seeing those practice papers, I just realized that I was COMPLETELY WRONG. We (I mean the students in my class) did the listening practice test first. The topic isn't too hard, though, 'rubbish' . BUT when I was listening to the recording, I went expressionless, although couldn't sweat 'cause the temperature in my class was 18 degree celcius. My brain suddenly played a soundtrack "Lyla- Bernafas Tanpamu", and there's the lyric which was passed in my mind (with some edit)--"Beri sedikit waktu, agar ku terbiasa, mendengar perkataanmu.." TTATT Let me explain, those 'bule' are talking so fast, so fluent, mixed with the questions which I know nothing 'bout them. Recycling, domestic rubbish, waste, restrictions, compost, just out of my mind. Kalo ada pepatah masuk tlinga kanan, kluar tlinga kiri, klo ak boro", msuk ke tlinga aja kyknya ngga, pda mental" smua =.= fortunately it was played for 2 times, so I, at least, got bit familiar with the second played.
And for the READING .. ooooohhh, so lovely and touching, that those papers reminded me with my scholar test and IELTS. Gah, just what on earth were those papers ? Even the topic is very uninteresting, talking 'bout environment standard, global warming, lobby groups, etc etc mixed with questions similar to IELTS test, combined with some similar to scholar test, oooooooohh soooo dreadful D:<
okay, quit talking those 'practice' paper, I'm eating my BaskinRobbins XD just for relaxing and make me satisfied, and it works =D
I hope my departure to Singapore'll be later than before .. for I am still not ready TTATT
hoping for the best plan from Him~ =)
Labels: cold, departure, dreadful, fluent 'bule', hope, icecream, practice test, soundtrack
Monday, October 5, 2009
Wew, much better appearance to my blog !! XD Very special thanks to PUDRI/NATS/ RIA PUTRI SANTOSO/ whatever you call her .. =)
I just had my dinner, eating fried fish, rice, kuah selada, and ayam tulang lunak :3 it's delicious, afterall ..
Today, I had lunch outside with my brother and father. Then we went to the petrol station and bank before taking me to Pudri's house, for my father and brother had some busy business that afternoon. Theeen, I played there, editing my blog and recover that 'innocent and marked' panda,very hard one , talking with her and her mother, adding music to my blog, and so on ~ =D I spent for about 2 and half an hour playing there, then went back to my home ..
Hmm.. I've been thinking to cut my hair immediately, for my hair is going to be a long one soon =.= it's growing very fast, I've just cut it in June (maybe) for a short-medium one and now it's becoming this long already =3=
tapi tanggung klo ptong skrg, alnya ntr November udah mw pndah ksna intinya males ptong rmbut dsna
And now, what's going on with my mozilla ? I've been trying to download FMA since 15 minutes ago and it ALWAYS comes with words 'problem loading page', just what on earth is happening here ? ohdamnyounet ..
I think I must go now, for this 'satisfying' net is going to be slower and slower and sloweeerr, maybe I surf too much sites =___="
I'm going to post another soon =)
Chao ~
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Huff, I'm beat =3= after a short tiring day, I still have time to write a post though, and I've just watched an anime video XD just after having my dinner.. at home, yea, I don't have any energy to go out (or too lazy to go again)
So, today, I woke up at about hmm.. 10 a.m XD after that eating, taking a bath, just kind of my daily thingy. Thing that made me tired : non-stop walking for about 5 hours.. phew, maybe I'll sleep earlier today =3= but afterall, time is going very fast , I just don't recognise that today is going to end. it's already 4th of October, and I'm starting to feel .. I don't know, kind of dreadful--or horrible--or home-sick ? gah, I just don't feel right at all .. =.=
oh, by the way, I got a really nice dream last night XD but unfornately, I'm starting to forget most of it =.= duh, what the 'nice' brain I have had
I just remember one thing, that he was very very nice oh, it'll never happen even once in actual life
eh-hem.. at last, just forget it~ lol
I need to go now, for I just being called by my mother and she told me to sleep earlier today ..
I think I'm going to chat for a while and listen to some music before shutting down my computer, though .
Chao ! =)
Labels: feel bad, forget, nice dream, non-stop walking, sleep earlier, tired
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Oh well.. it's my first time writing in this blog but it's not really my first time, though, for I already have one but I'm not using it anymore ..
Soo, hmm, kyknya ak bkal bnyakan pke b.indo di posting ini, alnya udh mw ke sana sih, ntr dsna jga sring pke b.ing =3=
duh, ga krasa udah bulan oktober, udah mw pndah, ninggalin smuanya.. huhuhuhuhu TTATT
walopun kone bisa lbih dpet pngalaman, bisa lbih mandiri, matang, etc. ttep aja .. gmnaa gtu ..
klo skula di sini (baca: my hometown) enaknya isa lbih 'ngeh' gaulnya, isa lbih curhat", nikmatin youth, hdupnya lbih berwarna ~
klo skula di 'sana', enaknya isa lbih pnter (klo bisa), lbih tau wider education, pkoknya yg berhubungan dg plajaran positivenya dsna ..
yaaahh.. tpi mau ga mau hidup jlan truz lah, just trust Him that He will choose the best path for me =)
khidupan SMA di sini dpet serunya mixed sex school, curhat"an-nya smua mnjerumus ke opposite gender, kyknya bbrp bulan stelah ak pndah bkal bnyak yg jadian XD
seru, saling gengsi, malu tapi mau, perhatian tak urung kliatan, pendem", TTM, etc etc ..
huks, jdi kangen, msa" kyk gtu ga bkal dan ga mau ak dpetin di skolaku yg baru .. hh -- youth periodku bkal terkuras nih ..
Well, I think that's all for now =) the internet is going very slow : gah, internet sucks.
I'm going to continue it later ~
Chao !
Labels: curhatan, first posting, leaving hometown, mixed sex school, new life